Early Elementary

Later Elementary

Todd Comics

Fame Comics

Middle School

High School


The Dark Ages

Art School


© 1970-2002 Todd VerBeek
Liberal Arts College
Ironically, the "liberal arts" college Todd attended was neither liberal, nor did he focus much attention on the arts while there. He signed up for one Drawing class, but dropped it as soon as he saw how much work it was going to be. It was during his four years at Hope College in Holland, Michigan that Todd became engrossed in what he called the "art" of computer programming, a career path that would take years to lead him back to real art. His creative impulses were instead channeled mostly into writing and into fairly pedestrian photography. As Photo Editor of the anchor, the school newspaper, Todd was responsible for most of the photos that appeared in it, including the "masthead" images for the front page, and these doctored images which appeared in the April 1st issue of the paper.
He didn't neglect his drawing entirely, however. He contributed the occasional editorial cartoon to the paper as well, as demonstrated by one he did for the issue coming out just before Halloween, and the 1984 presidential election. (For those too young to remember, both the bloodthirsty Reagan and the lumbering Mondale were a little scary.) And when he was Editor of the school's semi-official "issues" journal, he took the liberty of inserting a few cartoons of his own, commenting on Reagan's original "Star Wars" proposal, and a darkly humourous look at the Challenger disaster. For his final issue, he did the playfully macabre cover.
Two curiosities from this time period: an incomplete portrait of musician Pete Townshend, with "Chinese Eyes" as in the title of the album... but without ears, which were apparently going to be tricky to draw, and stopped Todd from finishing the piece. And a remake of the cover of one of his early "Todd Comics". (He recently completed a second remake.)